Isha Gupta
2 min readAug 18, 2020



Today we can see that so many people around us are suffering from many severe diseases, and they have to invest so much of their earnings for getting cured, but had these people ever thought of how they became the victim of such hazardous disease? No, they haven’t. The reason behind this is that they hadn’t paid attention to their health. As we see in today’s generation, people are so busy with their mobile phones and other electronic gadgets that they don’t give any importance to their physical and mental health. Human beings have become so habituated to the virtual life that they cannot even stay away from their phones even for a day. They need to realize that this world will leave you when you are not healthy or fit as none of them are going to pay for us. Thus we should always remember that if we are in good health, we will always have positive and creative thoughts in our minds, and we can stay away from negative vibes as well.

Have we ever thought of what we do first after waking up? The majority of us check our social media profile and waste our time scrolling through social media, after which everyone has some other work to do. I didn't mean that we should stay away from phones, but it's just that we should give some time to our health also so that our body can remain healthy and energetic and our mind will also get involved in good thoughts. Scientists have proved that a person who does yoga regularly remains free from anxiety, stress, and aggressiveness. So I conclude by saying that it's not wrong to give time to people around us, but we must take out some time from our busy schedule to do yoga to remain fit and healthy.

